Welcome to

Goshala BJ Animal care

Goshala BJ Animal care rooted its humble beginnings serving the sick cows at a local goshala( farm animal sanctuary housing cows) in South Bay, CA. When Covid had engrossed the world into lock downs, these innocent farm animals were constantly challenged with disease, lacking support, hunger and uncertainty. Goshala BJ Animal Care was incorporated in the peak of the pandemic to support these gentle beings to have a sustained supply of Food & Grains, Veterinary care and Housing needs.

Saving lives

We support innocent farm animals and strive to change their lives for the better.

Love & Care

In addition to physical care, we support our animals through providing them with affection and respect.

Medical Care

We provide medical support for the goshala (sanctuary) residents to ensure a healthy living experience.

Food & Nutrition

We provide funding to ensure their meals and proper nutrition is taken care of.

Visitor Education

We aim to educate ourselves & the volunteers and engage the community through Education and Advocacy of these innocent beings.


We cherish the animal inhabitants of the goshala more than anything else, and we prioritize their health and safety above all.

Heartiest Thanks to following corporates for matching donations.

Be Kind

Education & Advocacy

Animals in sanctuaries provide a great deal of educational learning for the communities. Sanctuaries provide education by allowing the public to visit with animals in natural settings and gain insights and information about their history. We advocate for kindness towards animals and develop a cohabitant presence of these species on our planet.Visitors are able to hand feed the animals and spend quality time with them during their visits. They can learn the cycle of life where a mother nurtures her baby until it’s grown enough to take care of itself. They can see the parents training their young.
We celebrate special events like Baby showers or rescue of a farmed animal from a slaughter factory with great pride. These are special events to advocate for animal rights and serve as an education platform for communities to become aware of the needs of these innocent beings.

Kids and Animals

Family Day

Please plan to visit the Goshala’s inhabitants with your family and friends. Get immersed in the quiet and serenity that the sanctuary offers and create lasting memories with four legged residents whom you may fall in love with at the first sight.

Visitation- Visitation is available via monthly scheduled events only. Please follow the calendar dates listed in newsletters for the next scheduled event. Sign up is required before the visit.

Open visitation – 10:00 am- 6:00 pm weekends (Self guided)

Sanctuary- volunteer led guided tours on selected weekends. 

Special events – High school/ youth education programs.

Sanctuary residents in action!

Please join us on instagram @Goshalabjanimalcare or tune in on youtube channel to see sanctuary residents in action!

Our Updates

Latest News

Animals Update

All animals getting ready for their annual vaccination in the month of March 2022. Deworming will be done in April 2022. Cow Bhawani currently fighting eye infection.

Update from Santuaries

San Martin goshala- Food pantry construction will begin in the next 2 months May-June 2022. The current pantry is broken with leaking roofs and walls coming apart. It will need to be rebuilt for protection from rain/ thunderstorms spoiling the stored food as well as pest control. Small/medium pests like rodents/racoons/squirrels/skunks are colonizing inside the food pantry contaminating the grains of the entire herd.

What People Say
